Class Descriptions
Foundations to Iyengar Yoga
For beginning students and students new to the Iyengar Method. You will be introduced to the fundamentals of Iyengar yoga, with emphasis being given to the basic standing, seated, twisting, forward and backward extending, restorative, and inverted poses. This class is also appropriate for those who want to review the basics.
• how to improve daily posture
• poses for gaining strength and stamina
• poses for increased flexibility and awareness
• importance of the breath and its positive effects
• poses to relieve stress and promote deep relaxation
•introduction to the jewels of yoga philosophy
•suggestions on how to begin a home practice
Mixed Level
These classes are open to all levels of students with at least 3 months of Iyengar Yoga experience. Classes will explore material presented in both the Fundamentals course and Intermediate courses. Teachers will modify poses as needed.
For students who have been practicing Iyengar Yoga for at least a year. We will explore more subtle aspects of the poses introduced in previous levels and begin to explore more advanced asanas. Modified versions of poses will be taught as needed.
Intermediate Plus
For students who have been taking Intermediate Iyengar yoga classes for some time and would like to dive deeper into the study and practice of Iyengar yoga. Students should have a regular practice of Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Adho Mukha Vrksasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana and know any adaptations that they may need for these asanas.
Students who want to increase their flexibility and strength but have physical limitations due to an injury or illness or other special challenges will benefit from this class. Students will be guided through a practice using various supports at a pace that is safe and effective to meet each student's needs and abilities. Each class will incorporate active as well as restorative asanas to help reduce stress and increase mobility and balance.
*At this time, the Ageless class includes mixed level students.
Fundamentals Mini Session:
These short series will be offered throughout the year—often in the summer. The short series aims to give students a good taste of what Iyengar yoga is all about. You will be introduced to much of the same material presented in the regular Fundamentals classes but in a bit of a condensed fashion. Once the series is over students are encouraged to join any of the other fundamentals classes that are in session. (Attendance to this mini series is not required to join any of the Fundamentals classes.)
Pregnant women are welcome to attend regular classes if they have attended Iyengar classes regularly. If you are pregnant and new to Iyengar yoga, a beginning class is recommended. Modifications will be made as needed for the health of mother and baby.
Information for new Students
Semester length: Semesters last from 8 to 14 weeks, depending on the season and holidays. Our classes are presented like a course where the material presented builds from class to class. However, students are welcome to drop in to classes if registering does not work for your schedule.
Semester Discounts: Registering for semester is economical. Students will receive discount on classes by registering at the beginning of the semester. If you join classes in the middle of an ongoing semester, we can pro-rate the registration fee. However, we understand that not all students have a schedule that allows them to attend classes on a regular basis. Registration is not required and students may drop in as they are able.
Make-up policy: Missed classes may be made up at any time during the current session. You may make up in advance of an anticipated absence. You may attend any class that is appropriate for your level. Classes must be made up within the session that the student registered for.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Audubon Yoga Studio is a small studio and we very much appreciate your patronage. All class purchases are final, non-refundable, and non-transferable except in the case of exceptional circumstances.
Clothing: We do yoga in barefeet. Wear form fitting clothes so that your teacher be able to see the alignment of your body, particularly knees and spine. Wearing layers is also recommended so that you are warm in restorative poses and pranayama.
Eating & Drinking: Don't eat a heavy meal up to 3 or 4 hours before class. A light snack an hour or so before class is ok. Practicing yoga on a full stomach does not feel good. Come to class well hydrated. Water is contraindicated during practice of yoga. Drink water after your practice, not during.
Injuries, Concerns, Menstruation, Pregnancy: Please inform your teacher before class so that she can make any necessary modifications during class.
Cellphones: Please put your cell phone on silence or leave them in your car.
“I practice Iyengar yoga because it both challenges me and satisfies me. It helps me maintain strength and flexibility as I age. I find it beneficial to my body, my mind and my heart. I teach Iyengar yoga to share these benefits of yoga with others. ”